Monday 1 September 2008

too late to apologize

you know I love that song, can't remember who its by,but the video is great!
however i would like to apologize for delay in communications.what with travelling back from Germany and then moving down to hove and then the Internet not working I haven't been able to keep up.
anyway,I'm back now so the world is once again in order.or something like that.
not really much to report actually.flew back from Germany on Wednesday,then travelled back down to Hove on Thursday morning with Vickie.spent all Thursday afternoon and Friday morning un-packing all my things and settling back in, then been chilling out most of the weekend.
been into Brighton and hove today.went to the shops.had to buy a few birthday presents for the meal tomorrow.
and that is about as exciting as my life gets right now.I'm actually beginning to look forward to going back to work tomorrow so I'll have a bit more to do and meet a few more people etc.
I've been looking for a dance school down here but so far I'm a bit unsuccessful.they are either just for kids or the adult classes they do have are real beginners classes and only in one or two subjects really.not quite what I'm after.I'm going to enquire over the next couple of weeks at school about the school dance company.I know usually it is only open to students, but they do accept 6-formers too so are used to people of an older age,and its not like I'm that much older!never know my luck!
anyway,that's all for now!

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