Wednesday 27 August 2008


Well, I didn't get to keep up with a blog-a-day as I first wanted to, however I shall endeavor in the mean time to continue with that as the aim.
I have travelled back to the UK today from Germany. please bare with me RE spelling mistakes etc as I must now re-learn how to use an English keyboard rather than a German one.hopefully spellchecker has got my back ;o)
didn't do a lot else today.packed when i got up,had some lunch with Chris when he got home from work for the day then we went and had some ice-cream from the local Eiscafe,and then headed off to the airport. by the time they had sorted out checking me in and i had handed my backpack into the bulky baggage centre and got through security i got straight on the bus to the plane as soon as i got to the about good service!makes a change from last time when i had to wait at the gate for an hour after we were meant to depart because they had had to change planes due to a technical fault with the other one. i wouldn't mind if they had announced it or anything before i went through security because then i could've had an extra hour with Chris.still i travelled back for another two weeks two days after that so i cant complain!
the car is all loaded now ready to travel tomorrow.apparently we will be leaving before 10am!nice try i suppose.its only a 3 hour trip so hopefully we can unpack once we get there and then have lunch, maybe on the beach...i will need to let Emily,my housemate know I'm on the way back too,just so she doesn't get any surprises when she gets home from work!
I'm glad me and Vickie will get the time to travel together in the car actually,apparently she has some gossip for me...always exciting!
anyway, i suppose i better hit the sack if we are going to be leaving so early tomorrow,well hit the settee at least..staying at hers tonight so we can leave as soon as possible in the morning. i think my parents weren't too happy about that, although i think they are getting used to me only being around a couple of days at a time now.although they got lumbered with me for a whole week when they came to was quite nice actually,not only to show them my Stuttgart but just to spend some time with them too.its been a while.a little too long actually.
anyway, i have to say i am rather loving this little is my sisters latest gadget (of many!) but it is called an Eee PC and its a little tiny laptop. about the size of a book.probably about the same weight too. its hardly a Mac Book Air, but for all intents and purposes it is! i think when i do actually get paid and have a few saving to play around with i might have to invest in one. it'd be perfect to take to work to use and on holiday etc.very handy!just got to get used to where everything is on the keyboard.because its so small its a little bit tricky.especially as i keep pressing the up key instead of the shift as they are right next to each other.just need to slow down with the typing!
anyway enough rambling for now,bed time!
till tomorrow

PS Didn't know what to call this one,so I went for Untitled.

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Busy Busy Bee!

after a week of practically doing nothing, the weekend was certainly busy and fun filled!

we went to see Batman on friday night, yes at 11pm, and although I had gone in there expecting to fall asleep I was suprised. I wont say pleasantly as I did find the film rather terrifying,however I did enjoy it! I wont go ruining any story lines in case you havent watched it yet, however I would reccomend you go as soon as possible! its fantastic!preferably go in england, even though we saw the english,well american, version, you wont have a silly 15 minute break half way through to spoil the whole thing!seriously, who decided it was a good idea that halfway through they would pause the film and blind you with the lights again?! germans! I ask you!

anyway on saturday we had a long lie in,just because we can on the weekend, but spent most of the day tidying etc, a bits and bobs day! although saturday night we definitely trearted ourselves, we went to whats translates as "the flaming stars" in Ostfildern, which is a 3-day festival/fair with live music,activities,stalls and each night the 3 world champions present a most spectacular firework show. on saturday was the britains, who won the world championship this year just beating germany and australia who were on the other two nights. I have to admit it was a fantastic night, not just the fireworks,which were like nothing I have EVER seen before! but the whole atmosphere of the place,all the music and everything. a brilliant night! the fireworks were just spectacular. they had a theme of through the night until morning, and all of it all set to music, which I have to admit just fitted perfectly. I felt like a kid seeing fireworks for the first time for most of the show.and I suppose I was because those fireworks were nothing I had ever seen was incredible!

sunday,would you believe it, we went swimming!although it did involve a nice amount of relaxation too as it was in what they call a "mineral" baths, so they have a pool of natural mineral water (which I'll be honest looks like piss!) but it is about 34° so its really nice and warm, and you can just float in it too.was lovely. although we were both exhausted by the time we got home.

so now we are into the last part of my time here before I fly back,tomorrow!

yesterday I didnt do an awful lot.cooked lunch and cleaned the kitchen and tidied up after and that was it really. we watched Dirty Dancing on the TV last night too. in german! saying that I think I did pretty well understanding it to be fair.there were quite a few bits I didnt get but overall I got the jist of it.I think.we were thinking of going to the cinema again tonight to see Zohan but we would have to go as soon as Chris gets home from work and I think its a bit too little time to do it,plus he'll be really tired etc.might watch it over the internet instead ;o)

tomorrow chris has a half day too so when he finishes for lunch he can stay to take me to the airport etc so I dont have to get the train on my own.Its not nice to say goodbye at the airport but its better than saying goodbye while he is here for 20mins on his lunch break and having to leave on my own on the bags a bit too heavy for me to cope with that again lol

ooh I was on the radio today too! in england.not in germany or german.I sent an email off to southern FM,who I am listening to on the internet to request a song, and they called me back and asked if they could record a clip of me requesting a song and introduce one live!hahaha fabulous stuff.all adds into my 15 minutes of fame.

saying that, the other contributor I've not heard anything more about yet.they wanted to write an article about mine and chris's trip to New York we won through Red Letter Days on their website.still, we'll wait and see.

I never heard anymore from CSV either who wanted to put me in their advertising campaign for volunteering after I volunteered and then was employed at the same place afterwards. maybe cos I dont work there anymore they arent so interested lol.I had to move on though for various reasons.although I did nearly go back.still thats a whole nother story!

Friday 22 August 2008


Don't Panic!
I'm not about to start talking about beliefs and some kind of deep and meaningful...well that isn't my intention at the moment anyway.
It's just about the Cher song.called Believe.
I've had one of those days again where i cant motivate myself to do anything.I'm not complaining,it's nice that I don't actually have any pressing commitments or anything I have to stick to whilst I'm on holiday. I mean of course there are things I could do, there's always washing to go in and tidying up to do and I could always do a few bits for work, but like I say nothing pressing that really needs my attention. so I've spent most of this afternoon with you tube as my entertainment.I was only just going to use it to play some music while I did some other things, but got distracted by the videos.
anyway having dipped between current music and stuff from the past couple of decades I've ended up at a bit of a "Cher-fest" and I had forgotten what good music she's made. I mean we all know that she will survive longer than the rest of us,including the cockroaches! however she's made some pretty good stuff over the years. I entitled this blog after Believe purely as that's the track I've got on of my favourites by her actually. that and "Walking in Memphis" I like as well.
anyway it all just made me a little reminiscent. when I was younger I know that we did a dance to a Cher song-I cant remember what it was called though.I'm sure if I found the video it would tell me on there.I must try and remember to have a look when I get home next week.
ohh I hate the weather at the moment. it had been a really nice sunny day so I put my pretty skirt on and now its raining. that's ruined my walk in the park I was planning once I'd finished.
ah well, I shall stay in and get on with the knitting now the weather is more fitting!
apparently we are still planning to go and see Batman tonight at 11pm...
I had some very bizarre dreams last night.I remember some specific parts but not really the whole dream and what happened. at one point I was in front of the Dragons Den with a pitch for basically a human sized and shaped mattress warmer,but was slightly thicker so you could hold it too like another person and of course it is fully pose able to be really comfortable. there was of course a man shaped and woman shaped variation in design,fully washable covers in various styles and the inner mattress warmer could also be removed and placed in the freezer to keep you cool in the had all be very carefully thought about i thought. they even had good names...the lone-he and lone-she. still just a dream. the next part I remember was being in a helicopter flight with my nan and sister and some random bloke except we were sat more like we were on a roller coaster ride (actually something I went on at Trips Drill park the other week with Chris which was a free fall tower) and we were flying about and then like started flying upside down and a bit crazy etc and my sister was in front of us and could see that the pilot wasn't flying anymore,he just wasn't there.then in my dream I wet myself then I woke up and needed the toilet,although I hadn't ACTUALLY wet myself fortunately! next bit I remember I was being carried away on a stretcher and I knew that I was in England but everyone was speaking German,me included,and I have no idea what had happened but there was a lot of damage to my right leg (I'll spare you the gory details!but it was just that...gory!) and I just remember shouting at everybody in English and German that I was a dancer and going to become a dance teacher and that whatever happens I need to keep my leg. then it started getting really patchy, like at one point I was hovering over an operating theatre while they operated on my leg...which still had my trainer on funnily enough, then next thing I'm sat in a wheelchair holding my leg, and I mean actually holding it and it wasn't attached. they'd bloody amputated it when I specifically told them not to.though why they gave me back my leg was beyond me!then I was back at my old dance school, where I haven't been for over a year and saw them all and they wouldn't speak to me because of what happened, then after that I think I was back in Germany and I was helping to develop a new type of prosthetic that was like bionic as well then I was going shopping for shoes and had to "swap feet" in the store from my flat foot to high-heeled foot to try on a new pair of shoes, then right at the end I was dancing again with a like bionic was like something out of terminator. but with a rubber foot attachment to fit in my shoes.very bizarre and when I woke up I got really scared cos my right leg had gone dead,but it was just how I had been sleeping.
i have no idea what any of that all means and I'm not sure I would want to...
back to Cher!

Thursday 21 August 2008

Desperate Housewife!

OK so I may not actually be one, but I certainly feel like one after the past couple of days!
I spent all of yesterday afternoon (that is not an exaggeration by the way!), in the kitchen, firstly making a cheese cake,which sounds easy enough.oh no, of course I'm following a German recipe which is written in German,and to my surprise doesn't actually include any cheese.even though it is called a cheese cake.i found that quite bizarre!
anyway so i begin making the cake...which is of course a surprise birthday cake...and using all the gadgets and what not that can be found in the magical Huck kitchen,and who should come strolling in...Dieter!the birthday man!neither of us actually said anything mind...he just left the room and continued pottering about within the apartment...i think he gathered it was a surprise by the look n my face when he walked in so to save both of us any embarrassment he said nothing.bless him!
anyway after the cake was all made and in the oven i began to make the cheese stick twizzley things. so I'm busy rolling out the pastry,adding cheese,rolling etc etc and the oven bees for the cake,great! good timing 'cause i need the space now for real cheesy things! cake is looking nice and golden on top and i poke it with the stick to check its cooked through,and expecting the stick to come out clean (meaning its cooked through) it comes out practically dripping with topping! i was horrified! if i leave it in the oven any longer it will burn and be ruined,but if i don't it wont be cooked and then we'll all get food poisoning! in a panic i call Chris about 6 times until he picks up at work and tells me to leave it 5 more minutes on a lower temperature then take it out and just leave it to cool and it'll probably harden up then. so i cross my fingers and hope and start piling in the cheese sticks around the cake in the oven!by the time Chris gets home nearly all the cheese sticks are cooked (and trust me there were LOTS) and the cake is a bit better in shape but then of course i have to face the Spanish inquisition.or in this case the German inquisition! have i followed the recipe properly,did i whisk the eggs right
,did i put in enough thickening stuff, did i use enough cheese in the cheese sticks,have i rolled them out enough,why are they all so big...and so on and so forth! i just cooked it all like it aid and how i was told to!
then of course we had to prepare everything else,dress the table,bring up drinks,put out glasses and plates,sweep,dust and hoover etc etc. by the time we'd finished there was just 10 minutes before people were due to arrive!
having said all that it was actually a very good night.i think nearly everybody that was invited came and all bought something along too! i spent pretty much all of the evening in the company of Chris and Manfred talking etc. i think it all went well. Chris and i left to go o bed about 11 as he had to be up at 6 in the morning!
so today of course was the big clean up...which i again have sent most o the afternoon doing! once i was finished with washing up,sweeping,vacuuming,wiping down tables,taking out bottles,etc etc I've been so exhausted i couldn't be bothered to do anything else this evening.i sat around a bit and watched some top gear and QI on you tube and that's been about it.i couldn't motivate myself to keep on with this holidays tasks-knitting legwarmers,converting a skirt to a dress and finishing the game XIII. although i did get to eat left over cake for my tea :o)
tomorrow i am going to crack on with my legwarmers and hopefully finish one. it shouldn't take too long now. if i get the chance i might begin work on the dress. and apparently we are going to see Batman at 11pm tomorrow.why 11pm i don't know! i don't really want to go...not my thing. ah well,at least we're going in English!
watch this space!

Wednesday 20 August 2008

All Baked Out

Only a quickie!
been baking all day...a cake and lots and lots of cheese twizzle type things!
all for Dieters birthday party...guests are beginning to arrive so i shall have to go play hostess now...
I'm whacked!

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Donner and Blitzen

No, I'm not talking about the Reindeer is still summer,although you wouldn't know it to look out the window right now!
There is nothing like a big storm to mark an occasion, and outside is the biggest storm I've seen for a while. I do love a massive big storm, when the clouds scudding across the sky are so thick and heavy with rain that it looks like the sun has set, the wind is blustering so hard against the windows you think it will blow through, then the rain starts. drop by drop at first plummeting to earth, hurtling towards whatever surface it reaches first and the impact with a satisfying splosh against the window as all the energy explodes out of it across the pane, followed one after the other until you can no longer distinguish between the individual raindrops as they fall thick and fast and the wind is blowing so hard that the rain seems to begin falling sidewards. of course this all pails in comparison to the climax of a storm. what we are all waiting for in anticipation. some of us excitedly, waiting for the music of the storm to really get going, while others cower from it. the low rumble begins rolling around the sky,growing in speed,volume and pitch till it reaches a crescendo when the sky splits open with a bolt of pure white electricity,crackling across the sky and shooting down to the ground. ooh i love it!
I suppose I have a certain affinity with a big storm. I did enter into this world during one of the biggest Britain had seen for quite some time. not that it was my fault mind!
I love the song "singing in the rain" too...I'd love to get out there and dance around the lampposts...although here in the village of Schwaikheim they don't have any. sure there's street lights, but they are suspended between the houses on cables. that's German efficiency for you!
You are probably wondering right about now why my Blog is entitled Sunshine when I'm talking about thunderstorms...well what happens after the storm has passed...Sunshine!
its starting to just peek our a little now from behind the clouds. check that the coast is clear first then shine on through, drying and warming the world again,chasing away the temporary night and bringing with it the clear blue sky like a vast train it wears.
anyway the point of this is that I will no longer have an excuse that I haven't kept in touch with people because now the responsibility is up to them.yes, passing the buck!
I also have far too much time on my hands to not fill it with something, so along with my new hobby of dress making and customizing and re-discovered knitting, blogging can be added to my collection.
seeing as it's no longer playing peek-a-boo I'm going to go and sit out in the sunshine of the balcony with an apfelschörle!