Tuesday 26 August 2008

Busy Busy Bee!

after a week of practically doing nothing, the weekend was certainly busy and fun filled!

we went to see Batman on friday night, yes at 11pm, and although I had gone in there expecting to fall asleep I was suprised. I wont say pleasantly as I did find the film rather terrifying,however I did enjoy it! I wont go ruining any story lines in case you havent watched it yet, however I would reccomend you go as soon as possible! its fantastic!preferably go in england, even though we saw the english,well american, version, you wont have a silly 15 minute break half way through to spoil the whole thing!seriously, who decided it was a good idea that halfway through they would pause the film and blind you with the lights again?! germans! I ask you!

anyway on saturday we had a long lie in,just because we can on the weekend, but spent most of the day tidying etc, a bits and bobs day! although saturday night we definitely trearted ourselves, we went to whats translates as "the flaming stars" in Ostfildern, which is a 3-day festival/fair with live music,activities,stalls and each night the 3 world champions present a most spectacular firework show. on saturday was the britains, who won the world championship this year just beating germany and australia who were on the other two nights. I have to admit it was a fantastic night, not just the fireworks,which were like nothing I have EVER seen before! but the whole atmosphere of the place,all the music and everything. a brilliant night! the fireworks were just spectacular. they had a theme of through the night until morning, and all of it all set to music, which I have to admit just fitted perfectly. I felt like a kid seeing fireworks for the first time for most of the show.and I suppose I was because those fireworks were nothing I had ever seen before.it was incredible!

sunday,would you believe it, we went swimming!although it did involve a nice amount of relaxation too as it was in what they call a "mineral" baths, so they have a pool of natural mineral water (which I'll be honest looks like piss!) but it is about 34° so its really nice and warm, and you can just float in it too.was lovely. although we were both exhausted by the time we got home.

so now we are into the last part of my time here before I fly back,tomorrow!

yesterday I didnt do an awful lot.cooked lunch and cleaned the kitchen and tidied up after and that was it really. we watched Dirty Dancing on the TV last night too. in german! saying that I think I did pretty well understanding it to be fair.there were quite a few bits I didnt get but overall I got the jist of it.I think.we were thinking of going to the cinema again tonight to see Zohan but we would have to go as soon as Chris gets home from work and I think its a bit too little time to do it,plus he'll be really tired etc.might watch it over the internet instead ;o)

tomorrow chris has a half day too so when he finishes for lunch he can stay to take me to the airport etc so I dont have to get the train on my own.Its not nice to say goodbye at the airport but its better than saying goodbye while he is here for 20mins on his lunch break and having to leave on my own on the train.my bags a bit too heavy for me to cope with that again lol

ooh I was on the radio today too! in england.not in germany or german.I sent an email off to southern FM,who I am listening to on the internet to request a song, and they called me back and asked if they could record a clip of me requesting a song and introduce one live!hahaha fabulous stuff.all adds into my 15 minutes of fame.

saying that, the other contributor I've not heard anything more about yet.they wanted to write an article about mine and chris's trip to New York we won through Red Letter Days on their website.still, we'll wait and see.

I never heard anymore from CSV either who wanted to put me in their advertising campaign for volunteering after I volunteered and then was employed at the same place afterwards. maybe cos I dont work there anymore they arent so interested lol.I had to move on though for various reasons.although I did nearly go back.still thats a whole nother story!

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