Friday 22 August 2008


Don't Panic!
I'm not about to start talking about beliefs and some kind of deep and meaningful...well that isn't my intention at the moment anyway.
It's just about the Cher song.called Believe.
I've had one of those days again where i cant motivate myself to do anything.I'm not complaining,it's nice that I don't actually have any pressing commitments or anything I have to stick to whilst I'm on holiday. I mean of course there are things I could do, there's always washing to go in and tidying up to do and I could always do a few bits for work, but like I say nothing pressing that really needs my attention. so I've spent most of this afternoon with you tube as my entertainment.I was only just going to use it to play some music while I did some other things, but got distracted by the videos.
anyway having dipped between current music and stuff from the past couple of decades I've ended up at a bit of a "Cher-fest" and I had forgotten what good music she's made. I mean we all know that she will survive longer than the rest of us,including the cockroaches! however she's made some pretty good stuff over the years. I entitled this blog after Believe purely as that's the track I've got on of my favourites by her actually. that and "Walking in Memphis" I like as well.
anyway it all just made me a little reminiscent. when I was younger I know that we did a dance to a Cher song-I cant remember what it was called though.I'm sure if I found the video it would tell me on there.I must try and remember to have a look when I get home next week.
ohh I hate the weather at the moment. it had been a really nice sunny day so I put my pretty skirt on and now its raining. that's ruined my walk in the park I was planning once I'd finished.
ah well, I shall stay in and get on with the knitting now the weather is more fitting!
apparently we are still planning to go and see Batman tonight at 11pm...
I had some very bizarre dreams last night.I remember some specific parts but not really the whole dream and what happened. at one point I was in front of the Dragons Den with a pitch for basically a human sized and shaped mattress warmer,but was slightly thicker so you could hold it too like another person and of course it is fully pose able to be really comfortable. there was of course a man shaped and woman shaped variation in design,fully washable covers in various styles and the inner mattress warmer could also be removed and placed in the freezer to keep you cool in the had all be very carefully thought about i thought. they even had good names...the lone-he and lone-she. still just a dream. the next part I remember was being in a helicopter flight with my nan and sister and some random bloke except we were sat more like we were on a roller coaster ride (actually something I went on at Trips Drill park the other week with Chris which was a free fall tower) and we were flying about and then like started flying upside down and a bit crazy etc and my sister was in front of us and could see that the pilot wasn't flying anymore,he just wasn't there.then in my dream I wet myself then I woke up and needed the toilet,although I hadn't ACTUALLY wet myself fortunately! next bit I remember I was being carried away on a stretcher and I knew that I was in England but everyone was speaking German,me included,and I have no idea what had happened but there was a lot of damage to my right leg (I'll spare you the gory details!but it was just that...gory!) and I just remember shouting at everybody in English and German that I was a dancer and going to become a dance teacher and that whatever happens I need to keep my leg. then it started getting really patchy, like at one point I was hovering over an operating theatre while they operated on my leg...which still had my trainer on funnily enough, then next thing I'm sat in a wheelchair holding my leg, and I mean actually holding it and it wasn't attached. they'd bloody amputated it when I specifically told them not to.though why they gave me back my leg was beyond me!then I was back at my old dance school, where I haven't been for over a year and saw them all and they wouldn't speak to me because of what happened, then after that I think I was back in Germany and I was helping to develop a new type of prosthetic that was like bionic as well then I was going shopping for shoes and had to "swap feet" in the store from my flat foot to high-heeled foot to try on a new pair of shoes, then right at the end I was dancing again with a like bionic was like something out of terminator. but with a rubber foot attachment to fit in my shoes.very bizarre and when I woke up I got really scared cos my right leg had gone dead,but it was just how I had been sleeping.
i have no idea what any of that all means and I'm not sure I would want to...
back to Cher!

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