Tuesday 19 August 2008

Donner and Blitzen

No, I'm not talking about the Reindeer already...it is still summer,although you wouldn't know it to look out the window right now!
There is nothing like a big storm to mark an occasion, and outside is the biggest storm I've seen for a while. I do love a massive big storm, when the clouds scudding across the sky are so thick and heavy with rain that it looks like the sun has set, the wind is blustering so hard against the windows you think it will blow through, then the rain starts. drop by drop at first plummeting to earth, hurtling towards whatever surface it reaches first and the impact with a satisfying splosh against the window as all the energy explodes out of it across the pane, followed one after the other until you can no longer distinguish between the individual raindrops as they fall thick and fast and the wind is blowing so hard that the rain seems to begin falling sidewards. of course this all pails in comparison to the climax of a storm. what we are all waiting for in anticipation. some of us excitedly, waiting for the music of the storm to really get going, while others cower from it. the low rumble begins rolling around the sky,growing in speed,volume and pitch till it reaches a crescendo when the sky splits open with a bolt of pure white electricity,crackling across the sky and shooting down to the ground. ooh i love it!
I suppose I have a certain affinity with a big storm. I did enter into this world during one of the biggest Britain had seen for quite some time. not that it was my fault mind!
I love the song "singing in the rain" too...I'd love to get out there and dance around the lampposts...although here in the village of Schwaikheim they don't have any. sure there's street lights, but they are suspended between the houses on cables. that's German efficiency for you!
You are probably wondering right about now why my Blog is entitled Sunshine when I'm talking about thunderstorms...well what happens after the storm has passed...Sunshine!
its starting to just peek our a little now from behind the clouds. check that the coast is clear first then shine on through, drying and warming the world again,chasing away the temporary night and bringing with it the clear blue sky like a vast train it wears.
anyway the point of this is that I will no longer have an excuse that I haven't kept in touch with people because now the responsibility is up to them.yes, passing the buck!
I also have far too much time on my hands to not fill it with something, so along with my new hobby of dress making and customizing and re-discovered knitting, blogging can be added to my collection.
seeing as it's no longer playing peek-a-boo I'm going to go and sit out in the sunshine of the balcony with an apfelschörle!

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